Monday, July 11, 2011


As far as the first question, I believe that worry is a wasted emotion and really only serves the purpose of freezing us to do things that sell us out. Worry makes us desperate and we will do things that are not good in order to fill our basic needs.
So with that being said, where should we focus our attention in order to minimize worry, we should focus our attention on the things that we have control over:
Our thoughts, our actions and our time (what we do)
Where are our thoughts leading us, what actions are they creating us to do with our time and the most important question....
Who is it serving?
When we focus our thoughts, actions and time on serving those around us, our basic needs seem to be taken care of but when we start to worry about where these things are coming from, we get into the scarcity mentality and enter back into, the worry state of mind.
So focus on serving others and let the rest take care of itself.

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